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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Visit with Maruge and Friends

I got on the plane last night. By now, it's early morning and I'm watching the sun come up through the small plane window. I can see girraffs roaming the plains. The clouds are tinted a orangish color. I haven't got any sleep since the night before last night. I'm so exited! I'm going to Eldoret, Kenya to visit Maruge from "The First Grader"! Last night we passed Mt. Kenya, a big, beautiful mountain. The flight attendant pointed it out to us. Right now, we are flying over Rift Valley, a giant valley that is very deep. It has a ton of volcano's in it. It is an exquisite site.

1 comment:

John SB said...

Entry 1: what a beautiful intro...I love your beginning with your looking out the window.
Entry 2: "an elephant?" fun gets your visit started quickly and personally...good links, although some of them I might have made into embedded photos that showed up right away on your blog and drew people's attention without having to link first
Entry 3: Maruge reading...whoa...great shot of Maruge and friend...again, I would like to have seen it first thing, without a is such a powerful picture
Entry 4: milking Kijana & Rafiki...ugali...and a trip to Lake Turkana with Emma
Entry 5: What???!!! don't end already
Entry 6: Maruge's souvenir to you
Entry 7: a good lesson

Anya, I was soooooo looking forward to more details about your visit with Maruge. I love traveling with you so much. Your words so often echo your voice and you are sensitive, observant, adventurous, and compassionate. I was hoping to read about conversations you had with Maruge...quiet times in his garden...sunrise/sunset walks...shared stories at night by candlelight in his hut...I'm sorry your blog was so brief this time. I would have enjoyed hearing more. I think Maruge would have too.